Sustainable Values - EHS Inc.
Your Partner in Environmental, Health, Safety, Sustainability and HR
In the new normal, it is no longer considered an edge that small to midsize businesses know each customer by name or that they provide a unique product offering or service. In today’s competitive marketplace, it is more difficult than ever to attract and retain customers. There is always someone that can do it faster and cheaper and can fulfill a customer’s wish with “just a click.” That is, until quality or safety come into play. These two aspects affect every organization’s bottom line and will, eventually, impact every organization. These aspects are also known as your “blind side"
Unfortunately, these are not the only issues small business owners face. There are the ever-increasing costs of operations from procuring office supplies to paying insurance premiums to covering salaries. It may also prove difficult to retain good employees who are already versed in your services and internal processes. They may leave for higher-paying jobs, benefits, or growth opportunities. When employees leave, you lose valuable resources (both time and money) as you now have to post the job, interview, and ultimately train a new employee.
Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to turn this around. How? Investment. Invest in your employees and invest in your company’s mission. Does that mean $$$? Not necessarily.
Allow sv-3 to perform a Predictive Analysis on your organization. See the “Strategies” tab for more information on predictive analysis.